September 28, 2009

Bad Liz (*slaps hand*)

Dear blog and blog readers,

I have not abandoned you despite all evidence to the contrary. Actually I believe I am suffering from what the people-who-speak-English-with-a-French-accent would call "Le writer's block." And I do have something you could help me with.

I have been attempting to write an alternative bio for myself (alternative in style, not facts). And I need some help getting started. So while this is scary to put out on the internet, I have to ask, "Hey internet, what am I like?"

Any suggestions, attributes or qualities (please no snarkyness here, email me if you want to get personal) will be greatly appreciated.

(And I promise to post again soon!)

September 8, 2009

Here I go again!

I'm off again! This time I'm leaving for Cornwall, UK to attend and present in the Image 2.0 Digital Media Futures conference at University College Falmouth. I will be presenting a paper entitled "Web 2.0 and Creativity." The conference will take place at the Tremough campus, pictured above. Wish me luck with my travel - it's going to be a long trip!